August 2, 2021
We are looking forward to seeing all K - 5 students on August 30th and PreK students on September 2nd. We wanted to make sure to keep you updated with all the important information for the upcoming school year, so please make sure you read all the information below and mark your calendars with all the important dates.
Please make sure you check out our School Supply List to make sure your child has the supplies they need for school. If your family is in need of financial assistance with school supplies, please complete THIS GOOGLE FORM and we will help you.
Each student should also bring their Chromebook and charge cord to school with them. For those students new to Guilford ES, we will be assigning them Chromebooks once school starts.
Our school hours for grade K - 5 for this school year are as follows:
9:05am > Doors will open
9:05 - 9:25am > Breakfast in homeroom class/Prepare for the day
9:25am - 3:55pm > Student instructional day
3:55pm > Dismissal begins
4:05pm > Buses depart
Pre-Kindergarten hours are as follows:
AM > 9:05am - 11:55am
PM > 1:10pm - 3:55pm
Kindergarten Dates
August 13th Playdate: Join us on the blacktop behind the school at 10am for our final playdate! Since our playground is currently under construction, we will be setting up some fun activities to include popsicles and water, face painting, temporary tattoos, a craft and we will have our recess equipment outside for the kids to play with. Come meet the whole kindergarten team and administrators!
Kindergarten Parent Orientation & Open House: Join us to learn about what kindergarten will look like for your child. We will be in the cafeteria on August 27th at 10am to welcome you and your new kindergartner.
Open Houses
Students in grades 1 - 5 are invited to our Open House on August 27th from 2 - 3pm.
Students can bring in their school supplies, meet their teachers, see classmates, and get excited to return to school.
First Day of School
Students in grades K - 5 will start August 30th
PreK students will start September 2nd
Back to School Nights
Kindergarten 1st Grade & 2nd Grade: September 13th @ 6:30 - 8pm
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade: September 14th @ 6:30 - 8pm
GT Information & GT Math: September 14th @ 6pm
Teacher Assignments
August 26th, you will have access to who your child’s teachers will be via Synergy/HCPSS Connect.
We will also be having our teachers send home a Canvas message introducing themselves on the same day.
Update Your Family File
It is that time again! We need every parent/guardian to update each of their children’s Family File. This is such an important step that everyone needs to do. This will give us the information about who we are permitted to release your child to for early dismissal, how they will arrive and be dismissed from school (car, walk, bus, daycare, etc.), how to contact you in the event of an emergency, and so much more. To update the Family File for each of your children, please go to prior to August 30th.
Log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy using parent/guardian credentials
Select “More Options” from the left navigation
Select “Family File” at the top of the page
Complete each page of Family File
On the last page, select the blue Submit button
If you have any issues, please contact the front office and someone will be able to assist you.
Free and Reduced Meals Application (FARMs)
If your family qualifies for this program, it is SO much more than free school lunches! Each family must apply each school year and the information about FARMS, the benefits you receive on this program and link to the application can be found HERE.
In addition, this information is used to determine whether our school qualifies for Title 1 funding. The additional staff, materials and resources our school receives is a benefit to ALL of our students. Please help us continue to be able to have these benefits by completing your application as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Monica Maiden at OR call the front office. Thank you for all your help.
Wearing Face Masks for 21/22 School Year
After careful consideration and feedback from healthcare experts, and in light of updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Howard County Health Department, among others, HCPSS has decided to implement universal indoor mask wearing for all students, staff and visitors in school buildings, effective immediately. This applies to anyone in a school building, regardless of vaccination status.
Families and staff will be asked to complete daily health checks, each morning, before sending their child to school. For more information, please link to Friday's message.
Please continue to watch for updated communications through as they remain the best source of information regarding the reopening of schools.
Children entering Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year must be 5 years old by September 1, 2021. Children who are turning 4 years old by September 1, 2021 and who are income eligible can be registered for PreK. Registration is happening right now for ALL students no matter what grade level online. You can also apply in person Monday - Friday between 9am - 3pm.
Step 1: Register Online Here:
Please make certain you are on the screen for 21/22 if registering for the next school year.
It is recommended that you work on a laptop or desktop to complete registration. Cell phone registration is not recommended.
Step 2: Complete registration online by providing the documents listed below. The registration process is easier if you upload them during online registration. Otherwise, you will be asked to submit them via email as pdfs. Iphone users can scan documents through your notes app. (Images must be clear.)
The following documents are needed for registration:
Child’s evidence of birth and Parental Relationship (ex. birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport)
An Authorized Record of Immunizations Form
Proof of residency in the form of a signed lease or deed including signature pages
Current utility bill
Photo ID of enrolling parent/guardian
Proof of custody (if applicable)
Prior Care Form (kindergarten only)
Blood Lead Testing Form (PreK and kindergarten only)
Please call the GES office at 410-880-5930 with any questions. We look forward to welcoming our new students!
We have had some staffing changes over the summer. Below are those staff who are leaving us and we hope you all wish them well in their future endeavors.
Rosie Gindes (K Teacher) - Transferred to Rockburn ES
Charlene King (1st Gr Teacher) - Transferred to EES & FRES as a Reading Specialist
Matt Jarvis (2nd Gr Para) - Will be doing his student teaching this year
Heather Ware (4th Gr Teacher) - Has resigned to pursue other interests
Greg Hines (PE Teacher) - Has transferred to the Digital Educational Center (DEC)
Kara Dolan (Special Ed Teacher) - Will be on child rearing leave
Rachel Carnie (Speech Pathologist) - Moved to Germany
Lindsey Knauss & Corey Cornick (School Psychologists) - Placed at other schools
Kevn Lee (PPW) - School assignments changed
Lisa Goodwin (Family Liaison) - Has resigned to pursue other interests
Below are new staff who will be joining us and any movements of staff that have been made.
Sharon Dudley - She comes to us from PGCPS and will be teaching Kindergarten.
Felis Kim - Mrs. Kim was our .5 ESOL para and is now our 2nd grade paraeducator.
Michelle Rim - Miss Rim is a new teacher who did her student teaching at GES and was a long term sub for us in the spring. She will be teaching 3rd grade.
Julie Steinhorn - A new teacher who did her student teaching at SJLES. She will be teaching 4th grade.
Stephanie Shaughnessy - Stephanie has been moved to be a Title 1 teacher at GES.
Tara Kolick (previously Thompson) - She will be the team leader for 4th grade this school year.
Jeremy Davis - Mr. Davis was moved from 3rd grade to 5th grade this school year.
Maureen (Reenie) Kraft - We will be sharing her with LWES. She will be a Math Interventionist.
Melissa Waite - Mrs. Waite will now be our Math Specialist.
Colleen Dudley - She is a new teacher who will be a special ed teacher this school year.
Melissa Pilcher - She is an experienced teacher who is joining GES as a special ed teacher.
Christina Rossi - Ms. Rossi will be our new Speech Pathologist.
Malcolm Tatum - Will be joining us as our new .6 PE teacher. We will share him with EES.
Bryan Wilson - Mr. Wilson joins us from Hammond ES as one of our special ed paraeducators.
Deirdre Nicoletti - Joins us as our School Psychologist 4 days a week.
Cheryl Hurbon - Ms. Hurbon will be our PPW this school year. If any families need to get in touch with her concerning Multi-Family documentation, you can reach her at OR 410-313-1299.
We are still working on hiring a 4th grade teacher and a .5 ESOL paraeducator. You can view our staffing on our website at