Trish Lannon, Principal
LaRae Guide, Assistant Principal
April 8, 2022
April 11-18 Spring Break/All Schools Are Closed
April 22 Earth Day/Kindness Rock Installation
April 27 Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:55pm
May 2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
Related Arts Color Days Calendar
Guilford Family and Friends,
Our teachers are excited to share your child’s learning progress with you today. As a reminder, families may access the HCPSS Parent Portal after 5pm to view/download report cards. Parents/guardians may view/download report cards by taking the following steps:
Log in at
Select More Options from the left panel
Select Report Cards from the middle
Select the report card you wish to access
Please click on the link below to help you better understand your child's report card.
Understanding Elementary Report Card.pdf
Your input is needed! As part of our school improvement process, we are asking families to provide input about their equity priorities for our school. Please use the link below to complete the Indicators of Educational Equity Survey (IEES) by APRIL 30. We will use your input, along with other school data, to refine our school improvement plan for next school year.
The survey is anonymous and available in multiple languages. If you have children at more than one school, please complete one survey per school.
If you have any questions, please contact me at and I can help answer your questions.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and much needed spring break. Our schools will be closed April 11 - 18, and will reopen on Tuesday, April 19th. See you then!
~Mrs. Lannon, Principal
Late Arrivals
Please remember if you need to drop your child off late for school, you must come into the building and sign them in. The sign-in clipboard is in the vestibule and once they are signed in, you should then buzz the office and they will let your child into the building. Not signing them in causes attendance errors.
PTA Staff Appreciation Week
The PTA is looking for volunteers for the Staff Appreciation Week Committee. We want to have a spectacular week for our staff to show how much we love them! Members of the committee will help with one or more of the following tasks: brainstorming ideas, shopping for supplies and/or food, soliciting donations, cooking meals, making decorations, setting up and cleaning up, etc. We need all the help we can get, and even if you can only participate in small bits, that’s okay! If you are interested please email Christie at
Maryland Special Education Involvement Survey
Parents of students receiving special education services are encouraged to complete a Maryland State Department of Education survey, which will help guide efforts to improve special education and related services. Complete and return a hard copy recently mailed from MSDE to parents, or complete the survey online at no later than May 27.
Title I Survey – Input Needed
Howard County Public Schools Title I Office receives Title I funds to provide additional support and resources to Title I Schools. The Title I Office supports family engagement through the implementation of its Parent, Family, and Community Involvement Plan and by providing schools with funds to support family engagement. Please take a moment to complete the HCPSS Title I Parent, Family, and Community Involvement Input Survey, providing feedback on the district's Parent, Family, and Community Involvement Plan and parent involvement funds.
La Oficina de Título I de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Howard recibe fondos Título I para proveer apoyo y recursos adicionales a Escuelas Título I. La Oficina de Título I apoya el compromiso familiar mediante la implementación de su Plan de participación de padres, familias y la comunidad y proporcionando a las escuelas con fondos para apoyar la participación familiar. Por favor, dedique un momento para completar la Encuesta de opinión sobre participación de padres, la familia y la comunidad del HCPSS, realizando comentarios sobre el Plan de participación de padres, familias y la comunidad y los fondos para la participación de padres del distrito.
Read the Rainbow
Registration is OPEN for the next virtual FAMILY Read the Rainbow book club sponsored by HCPSS & CARY! The next selection is Calvin by JR and Vanessa Ford. To read more about JR and Vanessa and their book, please visit their website: JR and Vanessa will do a read aloud of their book, and then the time is open for you and your children to ask questions, share what you liked about the story, and chat with the authors and other families.
Please check your calendars to see if you can join us for this virtual FAMILY Read the Rainbow book club on Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00pm with JR and Vanessa Ford. The first 50 families to register will receive a FREE copy of the book. Here is the link to register:
Dine and Donate
Head to BIBIBOP Asian Grill on 4/6 for 20% to go directly to CARY (Community Allies of Rainbow Youth) FUNDRAISE CARY BIBIBOP 4.6.22.pdf
Registration for HCPSS Pride Week opens APRIL 1st. Please see this link for the amazing events planned to celebrate PRIDE. Prizes and gift cards will be raffled off to those who register and attend!
Clarification: Tentative Last Day of School
The last day for half-day pre-K/RECC students is currently Tuesday, June 14. The last day for full-day pre-K and K-12 students is scheduled for Friday, June 17. Full details on the calendar are available online.
Related Arts Color Day Rotation Survey
HCPSS is seeking feedback on the elementary related arts color rotation schedule. The color rotation schedule was implemented to mitigate loss of instructional time due to school closures for related arts classes scheduled on Mondays and Fridays, sometimes up to nine classes per school year. This feedback will be utilized in conjunction with additional stakeholder input to determine the 22-23 related arts schedule model. Thank you for your time in completing this feedback form by March 25, 2022.
Bullying/Anti-Bullying Presentation
Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual parent night about bullying. You can see the presentation yourself by going to: Bullying- Parent Presentation Draft.pptx
Communication Devices (Cell Phones & Smart Watches)
We have a high number of students that have personal communication devices and it is important to note that if your child brings one of these devices to school, that they are to be turned off and kept in a backpack while on school property. There have been instances where these devices have been lost or damaged, and we cannot replace or repair them. We have also had increasing issues with students using the devices during class, lunch and recess. We also ask that parents not encourage this by texting your children during the school day.
Additionally, we have had children expressing concern with the things that are stated within apps towards one another. It is so easy for students to forget the impact that their words can have on another, especially when they can say them being a screen. It is important to remember that such instances can warrant disciplinary actions under policy 1060. Many students are on social media apps that are meant for adults and they are viewing and participating in things that are not appropriate.
Lastly, there has been an increase in TikTok challenges where students are encouraged to participate in unkind and unhealthy actions. Recently, we have experienced challenges of creating very unsanitary conditions in the restroom and clogging the toilets. Both of these actions result in the restroom being closed while custodians have to clean or fix issues. Please encourage your children to not participate in such challenges and they are unhealthy and disrupt the learning for all.
Guilford Recess Volunteers
We would love to have parent/guardian volunteers help monitor and lead our students in games and activities during recess. This is a fun and flexible way to get involved in our school. You may choose how long, how often, and which grades you wish to help out. Please note that committing to a regular schedule is encouraged (for example, every Monday, or the first Wednesday of every month all year long, etc.). We would like to start this the week of February 1st.
Recess Schedule:
3rd Grade 10:40-11:10
1st Grade 11:10-11:40
Kindergarten 11:40-12:10
5th Grade 12:10-12:40
4th Grade 12:40-1:10
2nd Grade 1:10-1:40
If you would like to volunteer your time to help at recess, please fill out and submit the google form below, and we will be in contact with you soon.
Guilford Recess Volunteers (
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sarah Kane, our Family Liaison at 410-880-5930
Kindergarten & PreK Virtual Registration Information
Parents/guardians of children who will be 5 years old as of September 1, 2022, must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year.
Prekindergarten at Guilford ES for the 22/23 school year will be a full-day program. Students must be 4 years old by September 1, 2022, to be considered for enrollment in fall 2022. See specifics on the program by going HERE. More information about registration will be coming soon.
Parents/guardians without access to a computer will be able to contact the front office for assistance in completing the registration form.
Gather Documentation Ahead of Time
Having all your documentation prepared in advance of registration will keep the process moving quickly. If you are missing documentation, your registration will be denied.
Student Identification Documentation
Student’s evidence of birth (birth certificate, passport/visa, physician’s certificate, baptismal or church certification, hospital certificate, parent/s affidavit or birth registration.)
Proof of parental relationship, custody, or guardianship. If applicable, bring legal proof of custody (court order).
Any additional paperwork that may be necessary due to special living arrangements or circumstances.
Academic Documentation
Student’s most recent grade report, transcript, report card from last school attended at time of withdrawal.
Documentation of Special Education (IEP), 504, Psychological Report, or related services.
Parent Identification Documentation
Parent picture ID: driver’s license, passport, MVA identification or other legal form of photographic identification.
Signed original, current complete lease or complete deed with your address, valid dates, signatures.
Current utility bill with name and address (non-cellular telephone, gas and electric, cable bill issued in the last 45 days.)
Health Documentation
Student’s current proof of immunizations signed by physician. Learn more about the immunizations required for enrollment →
Students who have never attended a Howard County public school have certain health documents to submit with their enrollment paperwork. Learn more about these forms and find additional forms for diabetic students, students with allergies, and student medications.
HCPSS Health Mitigation Efforts
HCPSS sent a message to the community with several updates related to health mitigation efforts in place in HCPSS schools. Please take a few minutes to review the following information that HCPSS shared. Again, your efforts to keep our staff and students healthy is appreciated!
Parent Resources
Here is a resource for parents who may be concerned about the overuse of technology by kids:
This link for parents covers many topics, including child development, positive discipline, school readiness, and finding resources.
Close Adult Support for Special Needs Students
We are in need of 3 adults to hire for this position. For the close adult support position, you would apply through an outside agency that staffs these positions in our schools. The position is for 6-hours each day, Monday-Friday and we currently need to hire 2 people. We also frequently need subs for this role, as well. Click here to learn more and apply.
Guilford Elementary School PTA
Stay connected with our amazing PTA by joining their Facebook page. You can join by clicking on THIS LINK. You can also follow them on their website HERE. One of the most important things the PTA does for Guilford ES, is to support our students with fun events, assemblies and activities. In order to do this, they need you to join the PTA! You can join by going HERE.
In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.
Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at
Guilford Elementary School is a Title I School-wide Program school. Title I is a federally funded program designed to close achievement gaps and ensure all children have an opportunity to access a high-quality education by providing funding for supplemental academic services and supports.
A Family-School Compact & Plan is an agreement between families, students, and teachers that is jointly developed and distributed to all families. It explains how families, students, and teachers will work as a team to make sure all students meet with success and get the support they need to achieve grade level goals.
The Guilford Elementary School Family School Compact and Calendar of Events can be found here for English; for Spanish and on the Guilford Elementary School Title I can be found here
If you have any questions, please ask your child’s teacher at your upcoming parent teacher conference. If you have any input or feedback, please contact Donna Bethune Brown at