GES Paw Prints - 12.18.19



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Note from Mr. FitzGerald

Greetings Guilford!   I hope everyone was able to enjoy the Snow Day that Mother Nature provided us this past Monday. With wintry weather being a common occurrence over the next few months, please routinely check for any delay and closing information. Click here  for specific instructions on how to receive updates from Howard County Public Schools. Just a friendly reminder that winter vacation begins at 4pm this Friday, December  20th.  School will reopen on Thursday, January 2nd. With the holiday season upon us, please know how grateful I am for every student, parent, and staff member at Guilford and throughout Howard County. My daughter and I are so fortunate to be a part of the Howard County family. A million times over, THANK YOU!!! The next Paw Prints will be sent out on Wednesday, January 8th. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are going during vacation, please be safe. I hope you have the happiest of holidays EVER!!!

Justin FitzGerald
Proud Guilford Principal


                                       Dates To Remember for 2019

12/20 - Spirit Day: Ugly Sweater Day
12/23 - 12/31 - Schools Closed: Winter Break

January 2020
1.1.2020 - New Year’s Day – Schools and Offices Closed
1/2 - School Is In Session - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
1/3 -  Spirit Day: PJ Day
1/16 - Coffee with Admin.  at 9:30 a.m.
1/16 - Title 1 Family Night: Cozy Reading & Math Night
1/17 - Spirit Day: Wacky Tacky Day

GES News


Congratulations Young Authors
For More Information Please Click Here:  List of Participants and Winners 19-20.pdf  

Jump Rope for Heart News
     Thank you to all of the students and volunteers who participated in our Jump Rope for Heart event.  To date we have raised over $2,000.00 for the American Heart Association.  Prizes have been ordered,  if you still have an envelope at home, we will be sending in a second prize order.  We really appreciate all of the time, patience, and energy our volunteers put into this event.  It would not have been possible without you.  Thank you!!!

Fitness Test Results
     All 4th and 5th grade families should have received, (via email), the results of this fall's Fitnessgram fitness assessment.  If you have any questions, please contact your student's P.E. teacher.  Thank you!

Has your child told you about Dreambox ?

Guilford is fortunate to continue, 24 hour access to a great math website, Dreambox Learning. DreamBox Learning empowers students to master key concepts, increase achievement, accelerate student learning, and boost long-lasting confidence in math. It does this by customizing itself based on your child’s skills. We have begun using Dreambox at school and encourage you to have your child log in regularly at home. Research has found that regular use of this engaging program can aide in increasing math skills. You can even set up a parent dashboard to monitor your child’s progress at home. Be sure to have your child log in to Dreambox using and their active directory username and password. Feel free to contact your child’s math teacher, or Cheryl Akers, Math Support Teacher if you have questions.

Building Resilience

All youth face difficulties which can range from traumatic losses to every day disappointments.  The ability to cope and recover (or “bounce back”) after a setback is important to their success.  Experts call this “resilience,” and it’s a skill that can be learned.
You can help your child develop resilience by taking the following steps:

  • Model a positive outlook.  Children will learn from your ability to bounce back from difficulties.  When faced with a challenge yourself, model an “I can do it” attitude.  Remind yourself and your child that the current problem is temporary, and that things will get better.
  • Build Confidence.  Comment frequently on what your child does well.  Point out when he demonstrates qualities such as kindness, persistence, and integrity.  
  • Build Connections.  Create a strong loving family and encourage your child to make good friends.  This will help ensure that she has plenty of support in times of trouble.  
  •  Encourage goal-setting.  Teach  children to set realistic goals and work toward them one step at a time.  Even small steps can build confidence and resilience.  
  • See challenges as learning opportunities.  Touch times are often when we learn the most.  Resist the urge to solve your child’s problem for him – this can send a message that you don’t believe he can handle it.  Instead, offer love and support, and show faith in his ability to cope.  Remind him of times when he has solved problems successfully in the past.  
  • Teach self-care.  Many challenges are easier to face when we eat well and get enough exercise and rest.  Self-care can also mean taking a break from worrying to relax and have some fun.  
  • Help Others.  Empower your child by giving her opportunities to help out at home or do age-appropriate volunteer work for her school, neighborhood, or place of worship.  

Remember: With your help and support, children can learn to be more resilient.  For more information and parenting tips go to

Other Helpful Ideas:  Resilience Handouts 

Attendance Procedures: When your child has been absent, please send a note in immediately on your child’s return to school.  The note should be sent within 2 days of returning and include:

  •     student’s name
  •     date(s) of absence
  •     parent signature

A doctor’s note is preferred for medical appointments.  We encourage you to have your child attend class both before and after medical appointments when possible.

Fever Policy
Howard County Public Schools require that any student with a temperature over 100.0 stay home from school. If your child has a fever, here are some tips to remember:

  •     Check your child’s temperature about every 4-6 hours when awake.
  •     Encourage fluids
  •     Give a fever reducing medication such as Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol).  Follow the dosing instructions on the package.
  •     Keep your child at home when ill or having a fever (100F or above).  Students should stay home until fever free WITHOUT a fever reducing medication for 24 hours. Consult with your health care provider if fever persists and/or symptoms worsen.
  •     Encourage your child to wash their hands frequently.  Persons coming into contact with the child should also wash their hands.

If you have any further questions, please contact the health room.

Clean Out Your Closet Challenge

Guilford is participating in the Clothing to Cash Recycling Program

Help our school raise money!  We accept New and Used clothing, shoes, sneakers, towels, textiles, and stuff animals. We want items in ALL conditions unwanted, outgrown, and out of style.

All items must be in a plastic bag and tied shut.  Look for the large white collection bin in the school parking lot.  Collections will be Reworn, Repurposed or finally Recycled.

Save our landfills and give your items a second life.   This is a easy way for our school to raise money. Help support our school & save the environment one bag at a time!

PTA News

The PTA just had our final meeting of 2019, time flies when you are having fun.  The PTA has a lot of big plans for the second half of the school year.  We will be having our first restaurant night of the new year on January 2nd at Modern Market. This is a great restaurant night because they donate 50% of sales generated by GES friends and families.  

We will be kicking off our big spring fundraising effort Raise Craze, were students will be able to pay it forward with acts of kindness.  Justin Berks will be kicking Raise Craze off with his ‘Faith in the Flake’ assembly on February 6th.  An Evening of Kindness on February 18th will be the capstone of our Raise Craze acts of kindness fundraiser.  The PTA has some exciting incentives for the classrooms with the most money raised (pizza party) and acts of kindness logged (indoor ‘snowball’ fight).  Additionally, if we meet our goal our Principal Mr. FitzGerald will be spending a day dressed up as a penguin!   If we exceed our goal by $500 Assistant Principal Ms. Lannon will be joining him as a penguin too!!!   

In 2020, the PTA will also be planning events to show our appreciation for all the effort and support the teachers and staff give to GES including: another potluck dinner for the teachers the first evening of spring parent teacher conferences, and several events during National Teacher Appreciation Week in May.  The PTA will again be organizing a Robotics Club through Silver Nights more information can be found here. The PTA supports the 5th grade graduation, it will be here before we know it.  And hopefully many other opportunities and events will be able to be sponsored by the Guilford PA.

The PTA will need your help to make this all possible.  Please come to our next meeting on January 14th from 6:30-8:00pm in the media center to learn about all these wonderful events and consider volunteering to support the Guilford Students, Teachers and Staff! Childcare is provided free of charge!!! Our meetings are open to anyone who wants to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

We look forward to seeing you in 2020!

PTA Dates To Remember:

1/2 - PTA Restaurant Night (Modern Market)
1/14 - PTA Meeting
2/6 - PTA Raise Craze Kickoff w/Faith in the Flake assembly
2/18 - PTA Raise Craze Evening of Kindness

Community News and Programs

Please visit the Community News and Programs and the HCPSS News page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.