Paw Prints - 9.11.19


GES Paw Prints - 9/11/19


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Note from Mr. FitzGerald

Greetings once again Guilford! Hard to believe, but we already have one full week in the "books". Thank you to the students, staff, and parents for all of your efforts to make the start of the school year such a success. Most impressive is how quickly everyone has adapted to the new arrival and dismissal procedures. Having the students separate into two separate groups, rather than coming in and out as one large group, has really made a difference.  Just a friendly reminder that the school bell does not ring until 9:10am. Staff will be out to help direct arrival at 9:10am.  In the coming weeks, we'll be quite busy at Guilford. Please take a look at the important dates listed below to make sure you don't miss out on anything. Special note, this Friday is the first Coffee and Conversation with Administration Meeting is at 9:30am. Come have some coffee, eat a donut, and ask myself and Assistant Principal Trish Lannon any questions that you might have on your mind. The next edition of Paw Prints will be sent out on Wednesday, September 25th.  If there is anything you need between now and then, do not hesitate to contact me.  Have a great rest of your week!

Justin FitzGerald
Proud Guilford Principal


                                        Dates To Remember for 2019

September 2019
9/11 - Kindergarten Back-to-School Night 6:30-7:30 p.m.
9/13 - Coffee & Conversations with Admin 9:30-10:30 a.m.
9/19 - Spirit Day - Pirate Day
9/20 - PTA Mum Order Forms due
9/30 - Schools and Offices Closed

October 2019
10/4 - Spirit Day - Diversity Day
10/7 - Fall School Pictures Day
10/8 - Interim Progress Reports
10/9 - Schools and Offices Closed
10/15 - PTA Meeting 6:30-8:00 p.m.
10/16 - Spirit Day - Workout Wednesday
10/18 - Schools Closed for Students
10/31 - Fall Fest & Turkey Trot - Spirit Day - Wear Orange



Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP)

There will be a Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Saturday Math Academy (SMA) Parent Information Session on Saturday, September 14th at OMHS (9410 Kilamanjaro Road, Columbia 21045) from 9:00am to 10:30am.  The information session will provide an opportunity for parents to learn more about Saturday Math Academy and to ask questions prior to SMA registration on Saturday, September 21, OMHS from 9-12pm.

Clean Out Your Closet Challenge

Guilford is participating in the Clothing to Cash Recycling Program

Help our school raise money!  We accept New and Used clothing, shoes, sneakers, towels, textiles, and stuff animals. We want items in ALL conditions unwanted, outgrown, and out of style.

All items must be in a plastic bag and tied shut.  Look for the large white collection bin in the school parking lot.  Collections will be Reworn, Repurposed or finally Recycled.

Save our landfills and give your items a second life.   This is a easy way for our school to raise money. Help support our school & save the environment one bag at a time!

PTA News 

Please join us for the first PTA restaurant night fundraiser at Red Robin Red Robin Flyer Filled.pdf at 8640 Snowden River Parkway tonight between 5-9pm!  Bring the flyer that came home in your student's folder last week, and Red Robin will donate 20% of sales back to our PTA!  Also, if you are ordering mums during our fall fundraiser, those order forms should have been received last week.  Please make sure to return your order and payment to school by Friday September 20th - mums will be delivered to school on Saturday October 5th in the morning.

Our health room is seeking several volunteers to help escort our younger students to and from their vision and hearing screening on Thursday September 26th.  If you can spare a couple hours in the morning or afternoon, please consider signing up at to help this process run smoothly.

Please join me in welcoming Kimber Johnson as our Hospitality Coordinator and Jurma Goines as our school's representative to PTACHC.  If you haven't joined PTA yet, it's not too late!  You can download the form from our website at  and even pay for your membership online!  

Announcement from the PTA President:
The Tindale family will be moving!  I am excited about this move, but also a little sad to leave our Guilford family.  Andrew Doumaux, our first Vice President, will  fill the role of PTA President for the remainder of my term.  I thank each and every one of you for all your support and help over the years.  It has been great getting to know you and your students, as well as so many wonderful teachers at this school.  I wish you all the best for the coming years!

Community News and Programs

Please visit the Community News and Programs and the HCPSS News page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.