GES Paw Prints - 6.12.19

GES Paw Prints - 6/12/19


                                 [[{"fid":"507","view_mode":"teaser","fields":{"format":"teaser","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Note from Principal Pic","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":""},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-teaser"}}]]

Note from Mr. Davis

Last week was one of the craziest weeks I’ve ever experienced as an Elementary Principal.  The ongoing conversations about the budget, the recommended cuts, then reinstating positions, and ultimately learning how Guilford will be impacted were difficult to process.   As part of the budget process, we ended up losing one para-educator position.  Next year there will not be one para-educator per grade, we will be sharing 4 paras for the 5 grade levels. I know our staff will adapt to this change.  As parents, your voice matters, in the future I would encourage you to email the Board of Education Members to share your concerns and celebrations.  

We have enjoyed celebrating our three retirees this week.  Each day this week, we have celebrated them, Monday was Ms. Drake Day, Tuesday was Ms. Close Day, and today we are celebrating Mrs. Cousin Day.  All of these ladies serve important roles in supporting our school.  They will be greatly missed!  

With so many events where parents are able to attend, I want to remind everyone that we are eager to have you join us.  The Kindergarten program on Friday and the Fifth Grade Promotion next Tuesday are two events that we have issued tickets.  We wish we had the space to welcome everyone’s extended family, however we do not have the space and are continuing the tradition of issuing tickets.  The doors will open for seating at 9:10 am.  Balloons will need to remain in the car or at home.  Parking is limited and we encourage parents to park along the street near Monarch Mills or on the grass at the FCC.  Thank you!  

I wanted to follow up to the two Tornado events we had recently.  If there is a Tornado Watch and Guilford moves into a Shelter in Place, we will be locking the front door and sheltering in place.  Our goal is to notify the community via an email and text message.  Once the Tornado Watch has been lifted, we will begin opening the front door and answering phone calls.  Since the last two Tornado Watches occurred prior to dismissal, we needed to delay our dismissal until after the Watch was lifted.  We appreciate your understanding as we ensure your children are safe.  

During this season of severe weather, I want to take a second to review emergency procedures:  Source:

  • Students and staff will Shelter In Place, the space should be away from doors and windows when possible. Our staff is trained to do this and we will not release any students in our care until the threat has passed. 
  • If the building is not accessible, get into a vehicle, turn the car on (in order to activate airbags), and buckle your seatbelt. Put your head down below the windows and cover your head with your hands and a blanket, coat, or other cushion.
  • If there is no car or shelter, try to find a ditch or area lower than the ground and lie down. You are safer in a low, flat location than under a bridge or highway overpass.
  • Parents who arrive to pick up students during an emergency are welcome to seek shelter with us if you deem it safe to exit your vehicle and make your way into the building.

Thank you for all the ongoing support each of you provide to our students and the Guilford school community.  Have a wonderful week!

Jonathan Davis

Guilford Elementary School


                                        Dates To Remember for 2019

June 2019
6/13 - 3rd Grade Picnic at 12:45 p.m.
6/14 - Kindergarten End of the Year Ceremony at 9:45 a.m.
6/14 - 2nd Grade Picnic at 10:45 a.m.
6/14 - 5th Grade Picnic at 1:30 p.m.
6/17 - Kindergarten Picnic at 11:15 a.m.
6/18 - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony at 9:30 a.m.
6/18 - 1st Grade Picnic at 11:15 a.m.
6/18 - 4th Grade Picnic at 12:45 p.m.
6/19 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early -  No Pre-K
6/20 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early -  No Pre-K
6/21 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early -  No Pre-K Last Student Day


From the Title I Team

At GES, our Learning Compact and Plan includes goals for student achievement. 

Summer is a great time to relax, but that doesn't mean the learning has to stop.  There are many free or low-cost activities available in Columbia and nearby communities during the summer.  These activities offer your child opportunities to think, create, and learn.

Click on this link to get a list of activities:  

Click on this link to get a calendar of activities:

Have fun, and we look forward to seeing you for the 2019-2020 school year!



Yearbook Sale


Yearbook S.png

Get Yours Now While Supplies Last!  ~ We are offering two ways to pay for this keepsake.  You may pay on-line from the GES website at  Scroll down and find the link to “On-line payments” at this address  You can pay by check.  Please make it out to “Guilford Elementary School” and be sure to include a phone number on your check.  Place your orders early since we ordered a limited amount.

PLEASE NOTE that all 5th graders get a copy of the yearbook, complements of our generous PTA. 

It's Time For Spring Cleaning Your Closets

If you have any unwanted clothes, textiles, and shoes, please donate them to our Cash for Clothing recycling program. Our white bin is located in the side parking lot.
We accept New and Used clothing, shoes, sneakers, towels, textiles, and stuff animals. We want items in ALL conditions unwanted, outgrown, and out of style.
All items must be in a plastic bag and tied shut.  Look for the large white collection bin in the school parking lot.  Collections will be Reworn, Repurposed or finally Recycled.
Save our landfills and give your items a second life.   This is a easy way for our school to raise money. Help support our school & save the environment one bag at a time!

Thank you,
GES Green Team

Summer Programs

The HCPSS GT Summer Institutes are still accepting registrations for the summer 2019 program.  Spaces are available in a variety of elementary and middle school classes that provide enrichment experiences in technology, science, engineering, advanced art, and more.  Visit  for further information.  Please make sure to click on the GT SITD link towards the bottom of the page.

Future Guilford Tigers

Calling all FUTURE Guilford Tigers! (birth through 5)

Do you have a future Guilford Tiger in your family?

Do you know of someone who does?

If so, we’d like to be able to send you resources and communicate with you about upcoming events that may be of interest to you and your family. Please fill out this Google form so we can learn more about your child, and can identify what could best address your needs.

We’d also like to introduce you to Talk With Me – Howard County, a new initiative in partnership with HCPSS. Talk With Me works to support parents and caregivers in gaining a greater understanding of the powerful brain-building that occurs through early interactions with babies and toddlers.

More information about Talk With Me – Howard County can be found at their website: or by contacting Mrs. Hennessie at

Early Interactions Build Brains! We hope you will spread the word!

PTA News 

Thank you Guilford families for all your support during this year!

Guilford's PTA is excited to celebrate the promotion of this year's 5th grade class on Tuesday June 18th!  We need help from parents of students grades K-4, so that our 5th grade parents can relax and enjoy the morning.  Please sign up to donate some items or lend a hand that morning - thank you!! 

Ready to learn more about PTA and how to become more involved?  We'd love to hear from you!  Email

Community News and Programs

Please visit the Community News and Programs and the HCPSS News page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.