Unheard Perspectivies Black History Month Showcase

Mon, 02/13/2017 - 3:34pm

Guilford Elementary School students participated in the Unheard Perspectives Black History Month Showcase at Oakland Mills Middle School on Saturday, February 11, 2017.   Students who participated in the showcase were judged on their oral and visual presentations on African-American innovators that have impacted their own lives.  A total of 14 Howard County Elementary schools sent representative teams to the showcase.  In addition to the three teams representing Guilford, we also had three other teams who participated at the school level.  All teams were able to share their presentations on our WGES morning announcements and will present at our Night of Excellence on May 18, 2017.  
The Guilford students who participated at the county level are:
Dylan Quach & Amara Woodfork - George Washington Carver, Inventor – Silver Award Winner
Taylor Burg, Alyssa King-Lewis, Angelina Taylor - Hazel Scott – Gold Award Winner
Nicholas Cosgrove – Valerie Thomas, Inventor – Gold Award Winner
The Guilford students who participated at the school level are:
Vance Scott & Ibrahim Bah - Granville T. Woods, Inventor
Andrea Frank & Makayla Jones - Michelle Obama, Former First Lady
Jade Wagner - Edward Bouchet - Physicist, Educator

View photos of the view at: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/howard/columbia/ph-ho-unheard-perspectives-0211-pg-photogallery.html