I wanted to keep everyone up to speed as to the new protocol that Howard County Police Officer are visiting the schools. We have had three different officers visit over the past two weeks. A typical visit starts with the officer checking in at the office and then walking through the hallways. Most days, either Mrs. Stahler or myself have walked with them, however this will not always be the case. Yesterday, the students in second and kindergarten were able to interact with our visitor at recess. As he met students in the hallway he talked with them, gave fist bumps, and even helped tie their shoes. It was great to hear them share a message that the police are available to help if needed, are interesting in learning about our students, and that when students see them, it doesn’t always mean something bad has happened.
Congratulations to Michael Thompson for doing an outstanding job at the Howard County spelling bee on Friday, March 13th. He represented Guilford incredibly well. In addition, Senai Woldu was ready and able to be the Alternate if needed. Congratulations to both outstanding spellers and thank you for representing Guilford at the spelling bee.
The Eric Energy Science Show was so much fun for our students. It was great to see everyone so excited about science. Throughout the show he mesmerized us as we learned about air movement, how dry ice interacts with water and soap, and how to make perfect fog O’s. Thank you to the PTA for sponsoring this program.
Just a reminder that schools will be closed for Spring Break this Friday, March 30th, Monday, April 2nd and Tuesday, April 3rd. School are open on April 4th, 5th and 6th as these days are being used as inclement weather make-up days and schools will be open for full days.
Mark your calendar, Friday, April 13th is the end of the 3rd Quarter and an early 12:50 dismissal day.
Friday, May 18th school will be in session for a half day, with dismissal starting at 12:50pm. Tuesday, June 12th is now a full day for students with June 13th, 14th and 15th are early dismissal days (12:50pm) and the last student day of the 2017-18 school year is June 15th.
Jonathan Davis
Principal Guilford Elementary School
410.880.5930 (work) 410.206.3710 (cell)